Sunday 2 October 2011

Plan or Not

This post is provoked by what has transpired in the last one month.

When you work on achieving certain goals the ideal way is to set up a plan to achieve the same, break it down into actionable tasks, get going. Monitor the progress and so on...

Usually I do start every key project like that. And then the dynamics of business takes over. In the most recent situaion, had accomplised what had to be done much in advance only to have people who committed back out of it. Thus it took me back to troubleshooting, reacting, huffing and puffing to finally reach the desired objective.(which is what i do of i do not go as per a systematic plan).

So the point is why do we still plan. As we always ending up re-writing the whole thing almost all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Good Post by you ! Put me into a thought process too..Meticulous planning is very good & crucial especially in a field of Business and when you are a professional too..

    In my opinion whatever the should always move ahead with utmost & careful planning..I firmly believe that we do get the desired result even if it does stress us out a little or may be a bit too much..but then final product is worth the effort..So yes.. We must continue to Plan in whatever work we are involved in or are responsible of..

    There is a time when you need to push ahead all guns firing and a time when you need to sit back and wait..Things do work out in our favour with meticulous planning..Glitches are bound to happen..but then just go with the flow..but do Plan..We do not lose anything in the process..We always end up gaining experiences and a steadiness to go through all kinds of situations ..
    All the above words..In my humble opinion !
