Sunday, 3 June 2012

Win every battle ; war can wait for now

You may loose the battle, but win the war - is one of the oldest axioms around. It focused on the larger picture of winning the war - while you may loose a few battles in the process. It also serves as a motivator to keep teams focused on the larger goal.

Happened to read Tom Peters tweet earlier in the day where he talked about the fact that one will be remembered by one's reaction to adversity and the fact that no peacetime generals are remembered. Today's recessionary market is akin to a war like situation -where you fight a battle for every iota of business. It is no longer about what you do at the end of the year. Rather it is the every single day, week, month and at the most a quarter. One such poor period puts you back so much that one can hardly recover; since the next period's expectation is already hitting at you.

Hence the need of the time to focus on the smaller picture : it is very critical that we win each battle. For you  may not survive to win the war. It is the way to excellence as well.

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